Get Thee To an E.P.P.! Cell plan that is!
My cell phone life began more then 10 years ago with Bell Solo pre-paid. It was an analog Audiovox phone that I kept turned off to prevent battery drain. Of course a lot changed over those 10 years, specifically my phones got better and in the last 4 years my usage increased passed the cheapness of prepaid.
With Bell I was auto-topping my account with $25CDN every 60 days, or when the account fell below $5CDN, which ever came first. For the $25CDN I would get around 80 minutes of talk time, but of course any texts messages I sent where $0.15, which impacted talk time. My usage was low and I averaged $18-$25 per month for a more then usable cell plan, with caller ID and Voice mail.
In the last few years I found myself texting and talking a lot more, and I figured it was about time for me to look for a full featured plan. The idea of a going on a 1, 2 or 3 year contract did not bother me. I barely noticed how long I’ve had my phone and the service was never really a problem.
I was very discouraged to find that a monthly cell plan that included the same features of my prepaid plan was sitting around $52CDN before taxes. Even the basic 200 anytime minute plans (no caller ID, no voice mail!) where around $30+taxes, and when you add the missing features, it goes up past $40CDN. Uhm what?!? Hey I already have a home phone, and that costs half as much as a cell phone!
Then I saw a very interesting sign at a Cellularpoint store. Telus was offering and E.P.P. for $17.30+SAF+911 =$25CDN+taxes. E.P.P.? Employee Purchase Plan or Program. These are setup by company’s to offer there employees a good deal on a cellphone plan. They usually need a contract of at least 2 years and in some cases you need to confirm your employer and continue to work for them for the duration of your plan.
The Telus plan required a 2 or 3 year contract and included 200min/mth, unlimited Evenings and Weekends starting at 6pm, Voice mail and you can also add “Spark” bundles starting at $7/mth. The $7 bundle includes Caller ID and 100 free Text/Video/Picture messages. For a total of $32+tax you save $20 over a ‘regular’ plan. Am I willing to pay $6 more then my basic landline for a mobile phone? Yes!
Obviously, being with Bell I asked around for an E.P.P. and found that they did offer plans, but that you had to provide an employer name or ‘plan’ number. I also found that if I asked in the right Bell store for an E.P.P. they would just offer it to me. Unfortunately, the Bell plans where a 3 year contract, cost a little more, where missing text messaging, and they seemed unwilling to compromise. Rogers also offers a similar plan to Bell’s, but it was harder to get information about their E.P.P.’s. Roger’s sister company Fido has also started offering an E.P.P. that emulates the Telus plan.
So, if you have no problem with a 2 or 3 year contract, which usually gets you discounts on cell phones. If you have no problem with paying less for your cell plan, then you should ask around for an E.P.P. Try your company first, because sometimes your company can negotiate a much better plan then the generic ones that are on offer.
As cell phone users in Canada, we are being paying more for cell phone service then any other country in the word. If we stop ignoring our bills and tell the cell providers that we want better plans for less money, maybe something will change. If we all go looking for E.P.P.’s, maybe the providers will get the idea.
So, rise up and get thee to an E.P.P.!